Tim Timmons - A Thousand Amens Lyrics

A Thousand Amens Lyrics

Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him, all creatures here below
Praise Him above, Ye heavenly Host
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost

Unfailing love comes with the morning
It's Your faithfulness we sing at night
It's Your kindness Lord that leads to our healing
All glory to our maker and a thousand amens
Yeah, yeah, ooh

Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him, all creatures here below
Praise Him above, Ye heavenly Host
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost

Unfailing love comes with the morning
It's Your faithfulness we sing at night
It's Your kindness Lord that leads to our healing, ooh
All glory to our Maker and a thousand amens
Yeah, yeah

Unfailing love comes with the morning, yeah, yeah
It's Your faithfulness we sing at night
It's Your kindness Lord that leads to our healing, oh
All glory to our Maker and a thousand amens

Amen, amen, amen, amen
Amen, amen, all glory to our Maker
Amen, amen, amen, amen
Amen, amen, all glory to our Maker

Amen, amen, amen, amen
Amen, amen, all glory to our Maker
Amen, amen, amen, amen
Amen, amen, all glory to our Maker
(We will praise Your name, oh God)

Amen, amen

A Thousand Amens Video

A Thousand Amens Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

A Thousand Amens: A Song of Praise and Worship


"A Thousand Amens" is a powerful and uplifting song by Tim Timmons that invites believers to praise and worship God. The song is filled with gratitude, acknowledging God's faithfulness, unfailing love, and kindness.

Key Messages of the Song:

The key messages of "A Thousand Amens" can be derived from its lyrics, which emphasize the attributes and actions of God. The song begins by praising God, acknowledging Him as the source of all blessings. It encourages all creatures, both on earth and in heaven, to join in this praise and worship. The repetition of the phrase "Praise God from whom all blessings flow" emphasizes the importance of recognizing God's hand in every aspect of our lives.

The song then highlights the concept of unfailing love, stating that it comes with the morning. This line reminds us that God's love never ceases, and it is renewed each day. It is a reminder of God's faithfulness and the assurance that we can rely on His love and grace.

Another significant message in the song is the role of God's kindness in leading to our healing. It acknowledges that God's kindness is not just a temporary comfort but has the power to bring about restoration and wholeness. This message instills hope and encourages listeners to trust in God's goodness in every circumstance.

Meaning and Inspiration:

The overall meaning of "A Thousand Amens" is to express gratitude and praise to God for His blessings, unfailing love, and kindness. It is a call to worship and an invitation for believers to join in praising God together. The song encourages us to remember and acknowledge God's faithfulness and to find healing and restoration in His love and kindness.

While the specific inspiration behind the song is not explicitly mentioned, it is clear that the lyrics are rooted in biblical truths and the experience of God's faithfulness. Tim Timmons, the songwriter, may have drawn inspiration from his personal journey with God or observations of how God works in the lives of believers.

Biblical Analysis:

To critically analyze the biblical foundation of "A Thousand Amens," we can examine the lyrics in light of biblical references and teachings. Let's explore the key messages and their biblical support:

1. Praise God from whom all blessings flow:
This line echoes the sentiment of the well-known hymn "Doxology" and is based on the biblical teaching of acknowledging God as the source of all blessings. In James 1:17, it says, "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights." We are called to praise and give thanks to God for His abundant blessings in our lives.

2. Unfailing love comes with the morning:
The concept of God's unfailing love is found throughout the Bible. In Lamentations 3:22-23, it says, "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." This verse affirms that God's love is renewed daily and is always available to us.

3. It's Your kindness Lord that leads to our healing:
The connection between God's kindness and healing can be seen in various biblical accounts. In Psalm 103:3, it says, "He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases." God's kindness is not only expressed through His forgiveness but also in His desire to bring healing and restoration to our lives.

Overall, "A Thousand Amens" aligns with biblical teachings and focuses on praising God, acknowledging His blessings, unfailing love, and kindness. It encourages believers to express gratitude and find healing in God's presence.


"A Thousand Amens" is a beautiful song that invites believers to praise and worship God. Its key messages emphasize the acknowledgment of God as the source of blessings, the assurance of His unfailing love, and the healing power of His kindness. The song carries a significant meaning of gratitude and serves as a reminder of God's faithfulness and goodness.

While the specific inspiration behind the song is not mentioned, its biblical foundation is evident. The lyrics draw from teachings found in the Bible, focusing on praising God, recognizing His blessings, and finding healing in His love and kindness.

As believers, we can find encouragement and inspiration in songs like "A Thousand Amens" to express our gratitude and worship to God, reminding ourselves of His faithfulness and finding hope in His unfailing love. Let us join together in singing praises to our Maker, offering a thousand amens to His glorious name.

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